Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Watch out for the Walnuts

Was out practicing cross last night and was reacquainted with a nemesis that plagues everyone this time of year in this area practicing cross. Hit one of these black walnut bastards with your front tire in a corner and you will be laying down in a hurry.

So, last night I was hitting a corner at the bottom of a quick descent and hit a walnut with the front tire. Went down very quickly and to add insult to injury I landed my knee on a walnut in the fall. Very sore and soon to show a fabulous bruise a bit later (maybe pictures of it later?).

On a related note I took a different route home on my bike looking for a more fun way through to Kingswood from the house. Was cutting through the woods/fields to the north of P&G and was confronted with a skunk. I came within 4 feet of being sprayed. The skunk has his back arched and his tail arched...I was his victim if he decided to let it rip....

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